Common Beliefs and Real Myths

I’m pretty sure we’ve all heard of Big Foot and the Abominable Snowman. Although they haven’t been confirmed to be true, they are still fun to fantasize about. We might even tell these to children in order to keep their behaviour in check. These instances or common beliefs known or heard by everyone are actually myths! Confused right?
Myth is defined as any unconfirmed or unverified instance usually associated with preconceived notions. In the historical sense, it can be related to mythology having elements of fantasy or supernatural in them. On the other hand, belief is something which we as people, have faith in, be it true or not. Our beliefs are the key to our personality and character. Common beliefs are those which are interpreted by a society as a whole, generally to explain various phenomena or occurrences which seem incomprehensible. These beliefs are generally passed on through families based on religious ideologies.
There exists only a fine line between beliefs and myths. It involves our perception of the real and the fake. A myth remains as a fictional claim or a preconceived notion until we put our faith into it. The moment we start trusting a myth, the moment we put our faith into it, it all starts feeling real and we would do anything in our power to show our view to the rest of the world despite anyone who tries to prove us wrong.
To state in the simplest of terms, If we accept that we cannot do something without even giving it a chance, our definition of potential becomes a myth. The same potential becomes our belief to do more when we put our effort in the direction we want, disregarding the stumbles that occur along the way.
This also is the root idea behind all of your major conspiracy theories, The Holy Grail, Illuminati, and various other topic lines of Dan Brown novels.
Even if the clues are hidden in plain sight, the only way we can identify or find them is when we believe that the treasure exists.
The same is the case in real life, only if we believe that our goals are achievable, we will be able to see the clues and work towards finally attaining them.


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